Q: How can I place an order on Mikisp?
A: To place an order on Mikisp, simply add the item(s) you wish to purchase to your shopping cart, and then proceed to checkout. You will be prompted to enter your shipping and payment information, and then you can review your order before submitting it.
Q: Can I cancel or modify my order after I’ve placed it?
A: It depends on the status of your order. If your order has not yet been processed, you may be able to cancel or modify it. However, if your order has already been shipped, it cannot be canceled or modified. Please contact us as soon as possible if you need to make changes to your order.
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: We accept a variety of payment methods, including credit/debit cards, PayPal, and bank transfer. You can select your preferred payment method at checkout.
Q: How long will it take for my order to arrive?
A: The delivery time depends on the shipping method you choose and your location. We offer a variety of shipping options, including standard shipping, express shipping, and expedited shipping. Once your order has shipped, you will receive a tracking number so you can track its progress.
Q: What should I do if my order arrives damaged or defective?
A: If your order arrives damaged or defective, please contact us immediately. We will do our best to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Q: Can I return or exchange an item if I change my mind?
A: Yes, we offer a 30-day return/exchange policy for most items. Please see our Return Policy for more information.