Q: What is your shipping policy?
A: We offer free shipping worldwide on all orders. Shipping times may vary depending on the destination, but most orders arrive within 10-20 business days.
Q: Do you provide tracking information?
A: Yes, we provide tracking information for all orders. You will receive an email with your tracking number once your order has shipped.
Q: What should I do if my order hasn’t arrived?
A: If your order hasn’t arrived within the expected timeframe, please contact us and we will investigate the issue.
Q: Do you ship to my country?
A: We ship to most countries worldwide. If you are unsure whether we ship to your country, please contact us and we will let you know.
Q: Will I have to pay customs fees?
A: Customs fees may apply for international orders, depending on the country of destination. Any customs fees are the responsibility of the customer.